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Sharon Murphy


Sharon Murphy is a counsellor and psychotherapist specialising in working with men, women, children, adolescents and couples, as well as working therapeutically with parents and families.


Sharon has a Graduate Diploma of Counselling (Individual Adults), Graduate Diploma of Relationship Counselling (Couples, Families) and has completed a psychoanalytic training with the Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Sydney (in Child and Adolescent work).


Sharon has also undertaken the Circle of Security TM Parent Education Training conducted by Dr Kent Hoffman and Marte Meo training with Eilish Hughes.


In addition, Sharon has completed the necessary modules of the Vocational Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution to allow registration with the Attorney General's Department as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and has completed the Child-Inclusive Family Dispute Resolution Training with Dr Jenn Macintosh. This assists Sharon when working with parents who are separating or divorced.


Sharon is a Clinical Member of the
Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ICAPP) and
Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA),
and an Associate Member of

NSW Institute of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (NSWIPP)


Sharon has worked as a school counsellor in primary and high schools and has also worked for Relationships Australia.


Workshops & Talks: Sharon was co-presenter for the eight-week ICAPP professional seminar: “Adolescent Development and Working Psychotherapeutically with Adolescents”. Sharon has run the eight-week “Circle of Security” TM courses with individuals, parents, and with groups of parents. Sharon has presented to parents at schools on topics such as “Adolescents and Anxiety”; “The Parental Team”; “Conflict through the eyes of the Child”; and “Preteens and Early Adolescence”. Sharon delivered the presentation, “Psychological Development Over Our Lifespan – Adolescence”, for the Psychoanalytically-Oriented Psychology Interest Group of the Australian Psychological Society. Sharon helped organise the CCAFPAA Family Law Seminar: “Take Note! What Happens When Your Notes are Subpoenaed?”


Client comments from Sharon’s parenting workshop feedback forms:


I feel I now work with my children, rather than being a ‘boss’ or having to fix them.I am less frightened of them and less frightened of myself, making me a more confident, relaxed parent...


I feel I am a little more separate from my child’s emotional outburst, less likely to react, and more likely to help her calm down…


Thinking about the way I was parented was probably the most critical component of the workshop and done in a way that’s not confronting, rather a surprise to realise you’re examining your own childhood, without judgment, in order to be conscious of what you want to pass on or not pass on to another generation. There are things that I now realise trigger me, I just hadn’t identified them as that until now...


I’m more aware of the importance of my child’s play rather than the outcome of what they try…


I have been able to catch myself in the moment and recognise when more empathy and understanding is needed and I have been able to offer this to my child...

I am much better with helping my child with her feelings, and as a result she is getting much better. Sometimes I have been able to grab the situation and use it as an opportunity to guide…


Thank you Sharon, I’m so glad that my husband and I can use this information to better our family...


I liked the way Sharon could really get right to the heart of the issue, no matter what example or question was thrown at her.  Very clear and thorough understanding of child development...



© 2015 - 2024 Sharon Murphy

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